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Thursday, September 01, 2005

Brady objects to TV murders drama

Moors murderer Ian Brady has protested over plans for a television drama about his crimes of four decades ago.

The 67-year-old has written to the chairman of Granada Television, the company planning to film the story.

He says publicity about his crimes is 'now rivalling Coronation Street in longevity', and questions the show's impact on the families of his victims.

Except it isn't a soap opera!

In the mid-1960s, Brady - assisted by Hindley - tortured and killed four children, then buried their bodies on the moors above Manchester.

The two were caught after the body of a fifth victim was discovered at their home.

And he questions the impact the show will have on the families of the victims??! Man, it's a f*****-up world.


Blogger Moni said...

I know it's a really twisted world out there, it makes crazy with fear for my daughter. I think that trials and the like for violent criminals should not be televised. I think by televising them, we're actually giving crimals their 15 minutes of fame AND reinforcing the acceptance of their violent behavior. Sick.... We've gotten to the point as a society that there is no distinction between infamous and famous...a shame. ~later~ ;)

8:30 PM  

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