Secret World Domination Plans Exposed!
This New World Map shows future plans for global domination. Zoom out to see the whole scary picture!
Here are some interesting things
Um .... when I think of a description, I'll let you know
This New World Map shows future plans for global domination. Zoom out to see the whole scary picture!
posted by McFox :: Link
Yeah that is quite scary, but also useful. I found where my friends live in Fife in case I ever get enough money to go visit them, I'll know how to get there. :) I loooove that link you have on your blog, "Punch a Celeb!" I punched everyone on the list just for good measure. I think I have a little too much pinned up agression..ya think? lol Too bad my ex is not on the list then I'd have to buy another mouse. Ha! I just realized that I totally dominate your blog...sorry I'll give someone else a chance to say something. Take Care McFox...blessings upon you.
I hope you get enough cash to visit your friends one day :)
Yeah, Punch a Celeb! I had great fun with that too. I must visit again for another punching frenzy!
Don't worry about commenting. It's always nice to know someone is reading, lol!
Take care, Moni. :)
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