Ian Turner Missing
Have you seen this man?
Ian Turner Missing: Facts Page | Threadwatch.org: Ian Turner of Romsey Associates based In the UK went missing on Saturday 25th or Sunday 26th of June 2005 after attending the WebmasterWorld Conference in New Orleans.

Bless him. I've been ot New Orleans a couple of times,it can be pretty rough. Maybe he just had one to many Hurricanes(mixed drinks) and is sleeping it off in a hotel somewhere. Let's hope that's the case. Take care Mcfox. :)
I've heard that they found him in Atlanta. Something about a lost passport...Quite honestly it sounds like a publicity stunt to me. I can see getting stranded from losing your passport (happened to me...haha), but not calling your wife or anyone to let then know? Come on...
I hear he got himself banged up but I don't know if that's true or not. Golly good wheeze if he did.
VS - you lost your passport to get out of the Virgin Islands? AAAAaaaaaaaaaaahhhhaaahahahahahaha!
Snigger, snigger.
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